Available input forms could be found in the old interface both in Data-tab and in Forecast-tab. Data-tab was restricted and showed only to specific user roles.
Input form templates were listed by the ribbon item Input forms inside of Data-tab.
List of saved input forms opened from the ribbon item Input form bookmarks.
The input forms connected to planning scenarios were shown in the panels which opened from Data- and Forecast-tabs by clicking the item Load.
All input forms in the new user interface can be found on one page which opens from Data-Input forms menu item. This page has three sub-groups and visibility is restricted to limited user roles. The first list shows input forms which are connected to planning scenarios and where user is involved in. The second tab shows input forms which are saved versions of available templates. The third tab contains input form templates which can be used as a starting point to create a saved input form with fixed parameters.
Forecast-tab contained for some clients a ribbon item Manual Planning which opened input form of income statement without any formula and calculation support. The same input form can be found in the new user interface from Data-Input forms menu and from the first list (Shared) which displays all input forms connected to planning scenarios.