This article discusses data import from other systems to Navita and data exports from Navita to other systems. Data imported to Navita is usually ledger journal information but the transferred data can also be balance information per account in general ledger. In addition to the general ledger information, other information, such as hours worked, number of emplyees, or number of pieces, can also be imported to Navita. Transferred data can be directed not only at the Actual level but also at the Budget or Forecast level. This is often used when deploying Navita to transfer current budget data into the system.

Data import

Navita is ready to integrate accounting with Netvisor and Visma Business databases maintained by Azets Insight Oy. The utilisation of completed integration always requires integration IDs and, if necessary, the opening of an external system interface service.

Data from non-Netvisor and Visma Business systems is transferred to Navita on a file-based basis. Supported file formats include Excel, csv, and txt files. The contents of a text file can be tab-delimited, fixed field width information, or information separated by another delimiter.

Data transferred to Navita includes often either monthly values that are read from monthly balance values, or transaction-level values per day. After the data is transferred, Navita calculates the monthly value data from daily values (period change values) and displays line information per day as transaction data. Navita´s reporting and manual data entry only supports the processing of monthly values, and daily line data obtained by data transfer can only be viewed as monthly balance breakdown data. As reporting or calculating daily values is not supported, only the monthly values generated from these can be used when calculation definitions are made. Quarterly and annual values can also be imported from a file in which case Navita automatically divides the imported values into monthly data.

Data can be imported to Navita automatically every day, most often set to happen at night. Alternatively it is possible to start the transfer manually. For example, data transfer can be started manually when the period is completed in the general ledger (and a transfer file has been generated from the dataset in the case of file-based data transfer). Scheduled data import works with Netvisor and Visma Business integrations, as well as transfer files that are transferred over a SFTP server.

Settings for data import can be found in the Data menu on the page that opens under Import.

Data import options

1. Scheduled data import directly from the accounting system

  • Ready-to-use data transfer specifications for Netvisor and Visma Business accounting systems managed by Azets Insight Oy
  • In addition to the scheduled import, the data can be updated to Navita when necessary by starting the scheduled data transfer manually

2. Scheduled data transfer via SFTP folder

  • A scheduled data transfer to Navita can be set up for csv, excel, and txt files that are read from the client's or Azets' SFTP server
  • In addition to a scheduled data import, the data can be updated to Navita by starting the scheduled data transfer manually

3. Starting the trasfer without a scheduled task

  • Values in Navita can be updated with a journal or other balance file by launching the data transfer manually and uploading the file directly to Navita

To establish data import configurations, please contact Navita Customer Support.

Data export

The monthly data in Navita can be transferred to a csv file or tab-delimited text file. The data can be exported from a chosen organizational level and on account and calculation target accuracy (calculation targets can be for example cost centers or projects). Data from different data levels can also be included in the same file. When exporting data, it should be noted that the data cannot be exported at the transaction level, but only as a monthly balance. Consequently, the export of data does not include accounting documents (for which data have previously been read in Navita).

The function for exporting data can be found under Data > Export.

The export function allows the user to manually export data to a new file. The export of data to the file on the sftp server can also be scheduled. For example, if a customer has a Power BI or Azets CoZone Discover system, Navita can export budget and forecast data to a migration file to be transferred to external systems.

Term                                                Definition

Data levels

The data levels from which you want to transfer data out of Navita.

Export date from/to

The period of time from which the data is to be transferred. Entered as mm.yyyy


Accounts to be exported. Accounts can be listed separately on their own lines or entered as an account number interval. In this context, the account number is treated as a string from the beginning of the account numbers to be transferred: for example, the account interval 3000-8999 also transfers 5-digit and longer-numbered accounts with the same number for the first four digits as specified, i.e. 3000-8999 also transfers accounts 30000-89999.

Map Accounts/Orgs Excel file

An account/cost center matching table can be attached if you want to convert the account numbers or the identifiers of organization units used in Navita when the data is exported.

Export data started from business units

The organizational unit from which the data is exported. The selection also covers all sub-units within the selected organizational hierarchy.

Assign Default Costplace for Business Units

When selected, the values stored at the organizational level selected above are allocated to the next level below in the hierarchy. It is possible to set up the default unit in the organizational structure (see Administration > Organisation). This option is only required to export certain types of account balances (for example quantity or old percentage-type accounts). This choice is rarely needed.

File name

Here you can specify the name of the export file to be run out of Navita. This field can use some variables that either complete the file name or automatically form the file name as a whole. Such variables include:

$LEVEL$ the program completes the names of the data levels that are transferred to the file name

$DATES$ the program automatically includes the transferable interval in the file name

$TODAY$ the program automatically includes the date the file was created

$ORGPATH$ the full identifier of the organization level is added to the file name

$ORGNAME$ includes the name of the selected organizational unit in the file name

File format

Select the file format, decimal separator and field separator (if using a csv file) of the file to be exported from Navita. In addition, specify whether column headings should be exported to the file as the first row.


Select which fields you want to export to the file. Possible data to transfer include: year, month, year+month (as a single connected field), account number, organization id (either identifier with hierarchy path or end identifier), data level, value (which can also be presented separately as debit and credit fields), additional dimension identifiers (if other calculation items are used in addition to the organization), value editor, change date, comment, and value type. 

The most typical choices are year, month, account, end identifier of organization unit, and value. Other fields are, if necessary, supplementing the data to be transferred.

Export dimensions as path

If selected, program takes the entire hierarchical path to the migration file from Navita's additional dimensions (i.e. optional calculation items). If not selected, only the destination tag is taken. The latter choice is the most typical one.

Save results to/Action

This option can be used to redirect the formation of the transfer file to an external sftp server. Otherwise, the program will generate a transfer file to download in the browser to the user's own computer.